Friday, September 16, 2011

Google Plus – A Great Place to Hang Out and Potentially a Powerful SEO Tool

If you haven’t heard about Google Plus yet then you have been missing out on one of the most exciting new social networks around.  Everyone is now used to Facebook and Twitter being part of everyday life, but what about Google Plus.  On a business level and in SEO circles, everybody is talking about it.  When it comes to my friends and acquaintances, there are hardly any talks or discussions going on, so why is this?

When Google Plus launched they did son on an Invitation only basis.  While people in SEO and the business sectors rushed around trying to get invites, casual users of social networks seemed not to care.

So What Does Google Plus Have?
The interface of Google Plus looks a lot cleaner and minimalistic.  In fact the minimalism goes far beyond the appearance, the whole operation seems to be very user friendly and is quick to grasp.

The adding of friends and organising into groups is simple and a lot easier when compared to Twitter and Facebook.  This could be one of the reasons why businesses are a lot more interested in this social network, although as word spreads casual users are likely to come and will appreciate this feature too.

A Circle of Friends
All of your friends can be placed into circles.  There are some generic ones created and it is quick and painless to create your own.  There are no friend requests, all you need to do is click follow on any profile and then it is up to you to simply drag that person into a chosen circle, but only if you want.

Group chats and hang outs are one of the most distinguishable features found in any social network.  You are able to open a hang out with anyone using your circles if you wish or making it public.  The group chat interface works well and is a feature that wins hands down over Facebook’s single video chat and the lacking live chat system that still needs some attention.

Instead of showing numerous web cams at once the system shows who is talking at the time.   You can welcome anyone you want into the live video hangouts and enjoy group face to face discussions through your social network for the first time.

The Stream of Information
The stream is much like Facebook’s news feed.  Here you are able to post updates, links, and pictures, anything you want.  This is where organising your circles can come in handy.  Once you have written your post on the stream wall you are then able to select which of your circles are allowed to view it.  If you are moaning about work simply hide it from work mates and associates.

On a business level this could be a very handy feature.  If you are promoting your services to other businesses then you can hide the post from customers for example.  For SEO purposes this is where you can post links to your latest products, articles and blog posts.  If you are able to attract +1’s from your followers then all the better.

Your Profile Page
Creating your profile is much like creating any other profile.  You have the ability to add links to your other sites including Facebook and Twitter.  You can also add your business and personal sites and pop in a link to your LinkedIn profile too.

Show Off Your +1’s to Help Your SEO Strategies
There are tabs that allow you to show off your +1 likes all across the Internet.  Google have made it clear that +1 will be used in their ranking algorithms for search, so don’t waste time, get yourself a +1 profile and start using it. The +1 tab is automatically hidden on your Google Plus profile so you need to go into the privacy settings and allow other people to see what you have +1’d.  If you are looking to promote your sites or share other sites that have impressed you then adding your +1 tab is highly recommended.

The Future of Google Plus
Business pages have not been introduced as yet.  Google have invited users to submit their interest in obtaining a business profile and if you haven’t yet then add that to your to do list. Google plus has become the fastest growing social network to date.  If you haven’t created your profile yet then you may as well get started.  Users are able to invite 150 people with an easy link so ask around and join the impressive network that could become one of the most important SEO tools in the future.
By:  SR

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